Every month brings new adventures, new lessons, as well as new findings. Our goal at Heal the World is to share these with you by sending out a monthly newsletter.
We already sent out our September 2015 Newsletter. You didn’t receive it? Don’t worry, just subscribe to our Newsletter at the bottom of our website and we will include you in next month’s newsletter. This way, you will stay up to date with important events and news from us! Click here if you would like to read our September 2015 Newsletter!
Here are some of the things discussed in our September 2015 Newsletter:
- Monday, September 7th- The office will be closed in observance of Labor Day! A big shout out to all of our therapists for their hard work!!!
- September Birthdays: Natalie Astorga (9th) and Beatriz Buzzi (11th)- Happy birthday from all of us!
- Thank you for sending in your child’s Fall schedules. We hope that they have had a smooth transition into their new school year and that they will continue to strive & succeed!
- I have returned part-time! Therefore, I would like to remind you to please contact me should you have any questions or concerns. If you need to cancel your child’s sessions or make changes related to therapy sessions, send me a text message: (305) 343-7245 (Natalie will be gone from September 1st- 21st) so that I can inform the therapists and we can plan accordingly.
- Employee Spotlight: Lany’s baby girl, Camila Rose, was born on Thursday, August 17th weighing 8lbs8oz! Join us in congratulating Lany during this exciting time for her growing family! Also, a huge thank you to our wonderful BCaBA, Natalie Astorga, during these past 2 months! She did a tremendous job handling all of the child’s programs and parent questions. We are so glad to have you on our team and we wish you a great and well deserved vacation!
- Session’s Early Dismissal- Due to our back to back sessions, starting Tuesday, September 8th, ALL of our sessions will end 10 minutes prior to their scheduled end time, so that the therapists have time to briefly discuss your child’s session, collect data, as well as gather all of the materials neccesary for their next session. For example, if your child’s session is from 3:30-5:30pm, we expect you to be there at 5:20pm for pick up. Failure to pick up your child at their scheduled time may result in a fee.
- Follow us if you would like to stay updated with all of our tips, news, and blog posts: