Every month brings new adventures, new lessons, as well as new findings. Our goal at Heal the World is to share these with you by sending out a monthly newsletter.
We already sent out our January 2016 Newsletter. You didn’t receive it? Don’t worry, just subscribe to our Newsletter at the bottom of our website and we will include you in next month’s newsletter. This way, you will stay up to date with important events and news from us! Click here if you would like to read our January 2016 Newsletter!
Here are some of the things discussed in our January 2016 Newsletter:
- Monday, Jan. 18th- We will be closed for MLK Jr.’s Day
- Merry Christmas! We will be closed for Christmas on Thursday (24th) & Friday (25th).
- Happy New Year 2016! As we look ahead,we look forward to providing services to your child. We are very grateful for all of the families we serve and our client’s continued progress!
- Employee Spotlight- Congratulations Maria, you’re a BCaBA!
- Follow us if you would like to stay updated with all of our tips, news, and blog posts: